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Tender consultancy

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Tender consultancy

The European Union and the Hungarian National Development Plan treat the implementation of the latest information technologies and systems at the companies of the newly joined countries as a preference. In order to achieve to this goal numerous tender was  issued, which provided with significant funds for implementing systems. These tenders strongly differed from each other in respect to their system of conditions, thus they offer different possibilities for large or middle-sized companies.
In order to be able to offer the best possible tender for our clients we made a contract with one of the most successful application preparation and consultancy company and as a result of this joint work we offer full-scale service for our clients .
We consider important to inform our clients about the available tenders, the reachable allowances and the conditions of application.

The following tasks to complete after the clarification of application goals:

  • checking whether the client meets the tender criteria
  • client must ensure the self-funded sources, the documents required by the tender must be collected (ex. company balance sheet, authenticated signature sheets etc.)
  • clients contact person is to be named, who is responsible for supplying data and keeping in contact
  • the submission date of application is to be determined
  • agreement is to be made with the tender preparation company about the pricing (usually fix price + bonus on success) and post-application services (application monitoring
  • system, preparation of reports, preparation for controls etc.)
  • the system implementation vendor is to be selected and the terms and conditions of the implementation are to be recorded in a preliminary contract

The II. National Development Plan also treats the implementation of modern ERP systems for small and middle sized companies (SME) as a preference. The GOP-2007-2.2.1 chapter of national budget has funds in value of 1.6 billion Hungarian Forint. The rate of financial support can extend up to 50 percents depending on the national regions. The KMOP-2007-1.2.5 tender supports the same developments in the Central-Hungary region. Here the rate of financial support is 35 percent.

The great advantage of the new tender system will be that the tender procedure will be simplified and the tender evaluation will be continuous. The supported project size will significantly decrease. It will be possible to apply with project budget size 4 million Hungarian Forint (it was 16 million Hunagarian Forint earlier) according to the new regulations!
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